Transfrontier Shipment of Waste
This online Annex VII submission system is only for use by operators exporting
waste directly from Scotland
If you are involved in the import or export of waste you need to be aware that shipments
of waste are subject to a range of regulatory controls. Waste being exported for
disposal is predominantly illegal. Other controls apply to export of “notifiable”
waste. For further information please check the SEPA website:
Export of green list waste from Scotland
Green list (non-hazardous) waste can be shipped for recovery within Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries under a lower level of
control and accompanied by certain information. The shipment of non-hazardous waste
to non-OECD countries (ie developing countries) depends on which classification
of waste the importing country accepts and which procedures it wants to apply.
You are not required to obtain written permission from SEPA if you intend to export
waste under these controls; instead you must complete and sign an
Annex VII Form
(172 kb)
and ensure it accompanies your waste.
You must also:
- Submit Annex VII data on a monthly in arrears to SEPA electronically using this
online system, or
- Send a copy of the completed Annex VII form to SEPA in advance of the shipment
Please contact SEPA’s Producer Compliance and Waste Shipment Unit on
01786 457700
or email
[email protected]
if you would like to obtain a login for this system so you can submit Annex VII
information online.
Further information on exporting waste for recycling is available in this guide
Exporting recyclable waste for recovery in non-OECD countries
(100 kb)
This online Annex VII submission system is only for use by operators exporting
waste directly from Scotland